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If you need inspiration and ideas for a science experiment/exhibit to prepare your video, feel free to explore here

Westwood Charter Virtual Science Slam - Video submission checklist


Video recording specifications:


  • Video format: Video recorded from your cellphone in landscape (horizontal) mode.

  • Duration: Between 5 and 10 minutes.

  • Fill out the Media Release Form here (you can also download this form when you submit the video)

  • Submit your video here



  • Make a short test video in a well-lit area of your home. Preferably during the day. Check that your test video looks and good before doing your final video for submission.

  • Be spontaneous! It’s OK if at some point you need to grab the camera to take a close up of your experiment or walk around it.

  • A sample structure could be:

    • Start by introducing yourself.

    • Introduce the project you’ll be showcasing.

    • If a list of materials is needed, please mention them first before starting the process.

    • Encourage kids to pause the video if at some point they need to ask questions to their parents or go back a bit to re-watch.

    • If there’s an outcome that you’d like to tease, now is the right moment to keep the kids interested and engaged.

    • If there are variations that you’re not showcasing, maybe mention them at the end of the project, for example, “This experiment would also work if you use X material instead of Y.”

    • If your project showcases a specific scientific phenomenon or part of science, please mention it! For example “And this is thanks to the gravity force” or “This happens because of static, which is…”

    • Have fun! Thank you for being a science ambassador!

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