Westwood Charter
Science Slam
April 26, 2025 1pm-5pm
Have Questions? Email wwcscienceslam@gmail.com for more information
Volunteer informational sessions will be held on:
February 13th at 7pm via Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/SlamZoom
February 14th at 8:15am (after dropoff) in Room B11
Science Slam is a free science fair hosted by parents, teachers, and volunteers to engage our children in fun science demonstrations. Exhibits are learning stations that give volunteers a close-up interaction with students, typically on a table with a canopy. Visitors just walk up and learn, no reservation is required.
There are several ways to get involved in the Science Slam. Please read about the volunteer opportunities below.
*6 parents from each grade needed!
This year we are asking each grade to help host an exhibit (only 1 hr per parent). These grade exhibits will be predetermined by the Science Slam committee and will be VERY easy to demonstrate. We will supply all the materials and instructions. You don’t need to be a scientist to do any of these demonstrations.
As a Grade Level Exhibit Leader, you will:
Signup for a designated slot for your grade level(s)
Donate 1 hour of your time performing easy demos
Educate visitors who stop by (the best part!)
If you have your own idea check out the Exhibit Leader Sign-up.
As an Exhibit Leader, you will:
Come up with your own awesome idea
Pull together the materials for your exhibit
Make sure it gets set up at the Slam
Educate visitors who stop by (the best part!)
You don't have to do it alone! We'll connect you with an assistant to help if needed.
Each general (non-grade level) exhibit needs a volunteer to take full ownership. Besides leading the exhibit, you'll make sure it gets prepared and set up. It doesn't matter if you have an idea or not. If you like science and working with kids, the Slam needs you! Click the below button to sign up for a designated idea exhibit slot.
As a General Exhibit Leader, you will:
Pick an idea from the designated signup slots
Pull together the materials for your exhibit
Make sure it gets set up at the Slam
Educate visitors who stop by (the best part!)
Q: Want to interact with students, but with only day-of-event responsibilities?
A: Be an Assistant! You can help set up and run exhibits. You will experience all the fun with less time commitment. (Some Leaders may need help from Assistants prior to the day of the Science Slam event, if you're interested.)
If you want to help but don’t want to demonstrate an exhibit, we would love your help with set-up, clean-up, or the snack table!
We need volunteers to support the services that make the science possible! In addition to set-up and clean-up, volunteers are needed during the event to greet volunteers and guests 👋, run the snack bar 🍿, and generally facilitate the experience for the community 😃. If you have any ideas you'd like to share, we'd love to hear those too!